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Media releases

Alpiq sees serious gaps in the 2050 energy strategy

Alpiq acknowledges the fact that Switzerland’s energy system needs to be comprehensively transformed until 2050, and assumes that the Swiss people…

Alpiq supports environmental projects along the River Aare

The certification of the Ruppoldingen hydroelectric power station with the quality label "naturemade star" bears fruit: Since with money from the…

Alpiq transfers its ultra-high-voltage grid to Swissgrid

Swissgrid now owns the 1,800 kilometres of UHV power lines that up to now were the property of Alpiq. As part of the transaction, Swissgrid also…

Alpiq successfully concludes purchase contract with IWB in respect of a 15 per cent participation in the Nant de Drance pumped storage power station

The transfer of 15 percent of the share capital in the Nant de Drance SA project company from Alpiq to IWB has been successfully finalised between the…

Alpiq sells its Romande Energie shares

Alpiq specifies its restructuring programme

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board of Alpiq Holding AG (Alpiq) see a need for further adjustments based upon the ongoing difficult market…

Alpiq E-Mobility installs the first EVite fast charging station in Switzerland

As part of the EVite project, Alpiq has installed the first fast charging station for electric vehicles on the A1 motorway. The ceremonial opening…

Alpiq considers reinforcing the restructuring programme

Alpiq sells its stake in Repower to the canton of Graubünden and Axpo

Alpiq is selling its stake in Repower in equal parts to the other two principal shareholders, the canton of Graubünden and Axpo.

Alpiq InTec will be the energy contractor for a new city district in Geneva

The CFF have chosen Alpiq InTec as the energy contractor for the "Pont-Rouge" project. Alpiq InTec will be responsible for the heating and cooling…